Saturday, April 2nd
Bhakti Barn Yoga - Millburn, NJ

This exciting workshop focuses on finding your core and steadiness in arm balances guided by Nicole D'Andrea and Magda Usarek-Witek with live music.
Let the energy of the music transition you through the poses. You will learn to engage the abdomen, strengthen your arms, and detoxify the mind and body of any imbalances collected over the winter months. We will ignite the "agni", the fire, within. There will be heart, laughs, literally good vibrations, and maybe and some up side down moments! Starting with preparatory techniques and asana, and ending with soothing meditation and a relaxing restorative pose with our favorite musicians there to inspire us along the way.
$35 Pre-reg, $40 Day-of
Bhakti Explosion - A heart opening mini retreat w/ live music!
Sunday January 14th 2016
Mimi Yoga - Hoboken, NJ (10th & Bloomfield)

On Valentine’s Day this year give the gift of yoga for yourself, or a friend, or a loved one! This two hour workshop will guide you to explore and open the Anahata (heart) Chakra. Each chakra has its own characteristics; you will learn about this special chakra through the physical practice asana and with a light lecture. Chakras are centers of spirituals power that poses psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being.
This flow is designed to open the heart through a series of opening poses ending with restorative postures all accompanied by live music with Josh Friedman. Let yourself explore your heart center and open up to soothing sounds.
Pre-reg $35
Day-of $40
Intro to Yoga Series
Sundays January 10th, 17th, 24th 31st
Yoga In The Heights - Jersey City, NJ

Become enchanted with yoga!
Introduce yourself or reunite yourself with the proper alignment in poses to set yourself free. This four week series will focus on breathing pranayama, philosophy of yoga, the art of alignment, modifications for injuries and learning to read our own body. Explore yoga as a complete beginner or a veteran who is looking to find a new experience in class.
Early Bird Special $70 before January 1st, $85 Regular